QElectroTech 0.100.0-dev
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Public Types | Signals | Public Member Functions | Properties | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
PartTerminal Class Reference

#include <partterminal.h>

Inheritance diagram for PartTerminal:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for PartTerminal:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  { Type = UserType + 1106 }
- Public Types inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
enum  LineStyle { NormalStyle , DashedStyle , DottedStyle , DashdottedStyle }
enum  LineWeight {
  NoneWeight , ThinWeight , NormalWeight , UltraWeight ,
enum  Filling {
  NoneFilling , BlackFilling , WhiteFilling , GreenFilling ,
  RedFilling , BlueFilling , GrayFilling , BrunFilling ,
  YellowFilling , CyanFilling , MagentaFilling , LightgrayFilling ,
  OrangeFilling , PurpleFilling , HTMLPinkPinkFilling , HTMLPinkLightPinkFilling ,
  HTMLPinkHotPinkFilling , HTMLPinkDeepPinkFilling , HTMLPinkPaleVioletRedFilling , HTMLPinkMediumVioletRedFilling ,
  HTMLRedLightSalmonFilling , HTMLRedSalmonFilling , HTMLRedDarkSalmonFilling , HTMLRedLightCoralFilling ,
  HTMLRedIndianRedFilling , HTMLRedCrimsonFilling , HTMLRedFirebrickFilling , HTMLRedDarkRedFilling ,
  HTMLRedRedFilling , HTMLOrangeOrangeRedFilling , HTMLOrangeTomatoFilling , HTMLOrangeCoralFilling ,
  HTMLOrangeDarkOrangeFilling , HTMLOrangeOrangeFilling , HTMLYellowYellowFilling , HTMLYellowLightYellowFilling ,
  HTMLYellowLemonChiffonFilling , HTMLYellowLightGoldenrodYellowFilling , HTMLYellowPapayaWhipFilling , HTMLYellowMoccasinFilling ,
  HTMLYellowPeachPuffFilling , HTMLYellowPaleGoldenrodFilling , HTMLYellowKhakiFilling , HTMLYellowDarkKhakiFilling ,
  HTMLYellowGoldFilling , HTMLBrownCornsilkFilling , HTMLBrownBlanchedAlmondFilling , HTMLBrownBisqueFilling ,
  HTMLBrownNavajoWhiteFilling , HTMLBrownWheatFilling , HTMLBrownBurlywoodFilling , HTMLBrownTanFilling ,
  HTMLBrownRosyBrownFilling , HTMLBrownSandyBrownFilling , HTMLBrownGoldenrodFilling , HTMLBrownDarkGoldenrodFilling ,
  HTMLBrownPeruFilling , HTMLBrownChocolateFilling , HTMLBrownSaddleBrownFilling , HTMLBrownSiennaFilling ,
  HTMLBrownBrownFilling , HTMLBrownMaroonFilling , HTMLGreenDarkOliveGreenFilling , HTMLGreenOliveFilling ,
  HTMLGreenOliveDrabFilling , HTMLGreenYellowGreenFilling , HTMLGreenLimeGreenFilling , HTMLGreenLimeFilling ,
  HTMLGreenLawnGreenFilling , HTMLGreenChartreuseFilling , HTMLGreenGreenYellowFilling , HTMLGreenSpringGreenFilling ,
  HTMLGreenMediumSpringGreenFilling , HTMLGreenLightGreenFilling , HTMLGreenPaleGreenFilling , HTMLGreenDarkSeaGreenFilling ,
  HTMLGreenMediumAquamarineFilling , HTMLGreenMediumSeaGreenFilling , HTMLGreenSeaGreenFilling , HTMLGreenForestGreenFilling ,
  HTMLGreenGreenFilling , HTMLGreenDarkGreenFilling , HTMLCyanAquaFilling , HTMLCyanCyanFilling ,
  HTMLCyanLightCyanFilling , HTMLCyanPaleTurquoiseFilling , HTMLCyanAquamarineFilling , HTMLCyanTurquoiseFilling ,
  HTMLCyanMediumTurquoiseFilling , HTMLCyanDarkTurquoiseFilling , HTMLCyanLightSeaGreenFilling , HTMLCyanCadetBlueFilling ,
  HTMLCyanDarkCyanFilling , HTMLCyanTealFilling , HTMLBlueLightSteelBlueFilling , HTMLBluePowderBlueFilling ,
  HTMLBlueLightBlueFilling , HTMLBlueSkyBlueFilling , HTMLBlueLightSkyBlueFilling , HTMLBlueDeepSkyBlueFilling ,
  HTMLBlueDodgerBlueFilling , HTMLBlueCornflowerBlueFilling , HTMLBlueSteelBlueFilling , HTMLBlueRoyalBlueFilling ,
  HTMLBlueBlueFilling , HTMLBlueMediumBlueFilling , HTMLBlueDarkBlueFilling , HTMLBlueNavyFilling ,
  HTMLBlueMidnightBlueFilling , HTMLPurpleLavenderFilling , HTMLPurpleThistleFilling , HTMLPurplePlumFilling ,
  HTMLPurpleVioletFilling , HTMLPurpleOrchidFilling , HTMLPurpleFuchsiaFilling , HTMLPurpleMagentaFilling ,
  HTMLPurpleMediumOrchidFilling , HTMLPurpleMediumPurpleFilling , HTMLPurpleBlueVioletFilling , HTMLPurpleDarkVioletFilling ,
  HTMLPurpleDarkOrchidFilling , HTMLPurpleDarkMagentaFilling , HTMLPurplePurpleFilling , HTMLPurpleIndigoFilling ,
  HTMLPurpleDarkSlateBlueFilling , HTMLPurpleSlateBlueFilling , HTMLPurpleMediumSlateBlueFilling , HTMLWhiteWhiteFilling ,
  HTMLWhiteSnowFilling , HTMLWhiteHoneydewFilling , HTMLWhiteMintCreamFilling , HTMLWhiteAzureFilling ,
  HTMLWhiteAliceBlueFilling , HTMLWhiteGhostWhiteFilling , HTMLWhiteWhiteSmokeFilling , HTMLWhiteSeashellFilling ,
  HTMLWhiteBeigeFilling , HTMLWhiteOldLaceFilling , HTMLWhiteFloralWhiteFilling , HTMLWhiteIvoryFilling ,
  HTMLWhiteAntiqueWhiteFilling , HTMLWhiteLinenFilling , HTMLWhiteLavenderBlushFilling , HTMLWhiteMistyRoseFilling ,
  HTMLGrayGainsboroFilling , HTMLGrayLightGrayFilling , HTMLGraySilverFilling , HTMLGrayDarkGrayFilling ,
  HTMLGrayGrayFilling , HTMLGrayDimGrayFilling , HTMLGrayLightSlateGrayFilling , HTMLGraySlateGrayFilling ,
  HTMLGrayDarkSlateGrayFilling , HTMLGrayBlackFilling , HorFilling , VerFilling ,
  BdiagFilling , FdiagFilling
enum  Color {
  BlackColor , WhiteColor , GreenColor , RedColor ,
  BlueColor , GrayColor , BrunColor , YellowColor ,
  CyanColor , MagentaColor , LightgrayColor , OrangeColor ,
  PurpleColor , HTMLPinkPinkColor , HTMLPinkLightPinkColor , HTMLPinkHotPinkColor ,
  HTMLPinkDeepPinkColor , HTMLPinkPaleVioletRedColor , HTMLPinkMediumVioletRedColor , HTMLRedLightSalmonColor ,
  HTMLRedSalmonColor , HTMLRedDarkSalmonColor , HTMLRedLightCoralColor , HTMLRedIndianRedColor ,
  HTMLRedCrimsonColor , HTMLRedFirebrickColor , HTMLRedDarkRedColor , HTMLRedRedColor ,
  HTMLOrangeOrangeRedColor , HTMLOrangeTomatoColor , HTMLOrangeCoralColor , HTMLOrangeDarkOrangeColor ,
  HTMLOrangeOrangeColor , HTMLYellowYellowColor , HTMLYellowLightYellowColor , HTMLYellowLemonChiffonColor ,
  HTMLYellowLightGoldenrodYellowColor , HTMLYellowPapayaWhipColor , HTMLYellowMoccasinColor , HTMLYellowPeachPuffColor ,
  HTMLYellowPaleGoldenrodColor , HTMLYellowKhakiColor , HTMLYellowDarkKhakiColor , HTMLYellowGoldColor ,
  HTMLBrownCornsilkColor , HTMLBrownBlanchedAlmondColor , HTMLBrownBisqueColor , HTMLBrownNavajoWhiteColor ,
  HTMLBrownWheatColor , HTMLBrownBurlywoodColor , HTMLBrownTanColor , HTMLBrownRosyBrownColor ,
  HTMLBrownSandyBrownColor , HTMLBrownGoldenrodColor , HTMLBrownDarkGoldenrodColor , HTMLBrownPeruColor ,
  HTMLBrownChocolateColor , HTMLBrownSaddleBrownColor , HTMLBrownSiennaColor , HTMLBrownBrownColor ,
  HTMLBrownMaroonColor , HTMLGreenDarkOliveGreenColor , HTMLGreenOliveColor , HTMLGreenOliveDrabColor ,
  HTMLGreenYellowGreenColor , HTMLGreenLimeGreenColor , HTMLGreenLimeColor , HTMLGreenLawnGreenColor ,
  HTMLGreenChartreuseColor , HTMLGreenGreenYellowColor , HTMLGreenSpringGreenColor , HTMLGreenMediumSpringGreenColor ,
  HTMLGreenLightGreenColor , HTMLGreenPaleGreenColor , HTMLGreenDarkSeaGreenColor , HTMLGreenMediumAquamarineColor ,
  HTMLGreenMediumSeaGreenColor , HTMLGreenSeaGreenColor , HTMLGreenForestGreenColor , HTMLGreenGreenColor ,
  HTMLGreenDarkGreenColor , HTMLCyanAquaColor , HTMLCyanCyanColor , HTMLCyanLightCyanColor ,
  HTMLCyanPaleTurquoiseColor , HTMLCyanAquamarineColor , HTMLCyanTurquoiseColor , HTMLCyanMediumTurquoiseColor ,
  HTMLCyanDarkTurquoiseColor , HTMLCyanLightSeaGreenColor , HTMLCyanCadetBlueColor , HTMLCyanDarkCyanColor ,
  HTMLCyanTealColor , HTMLBlueLightSteelBlueColor , HTMLBluePowderBlueColor , HTMLBlueLightBlueColor ,
  HTMLBlueSkyBlueColor , HTMLBlueLightSkyBlueColor , HTMLBlueDeepSkyBlueColor , HTMLBlueDodgerBlueColor ,
  HTMLBlueCornflowerBlueColor , HTMLBlueSteelBlueColor , HTMLBlueRoyalBlueColor , HTMLBlueBlueColor ,
  HTMLBlueMediumBlueColor , HTMLBlueDarkBlueColor , HTMLBlueNavyColor , HTMLBlueMidnightBlueColor ,
  HTMLPurpleLavenderColor , HTMLPurpleThistleColor , HTMLPurplePlumColor , HTMLPurpleVioletColor ,
  HTMLPurpleOrchidColor , HTMLPurpleFuchsiaColor , HTMLPurpleMagentaColor , HTMLPurpleMediumOrchidColor ,
  HTMLPurpleMediumPurpleColor , HTMLPurpleBlueVioletColor , HTMLPurpleDarkVioletColor , HTMLPurpleDarkOrchidColor ,
  HTMLPurpleDarkMagentaColor , HTMLPurplePurpleColor , HTMLPurpleIndigoColor , HTMLPurpleDarkSlateBlueColor ,
  HTMLPurpleSlateBlueColor , HTMLPurpleMediumSlateBlueColor , HTMLWhiteWhiteColor , HTMLWhiteSnowColor ,
  HTMLWhiteHoneydewColor , HTMLWhiteMintCreamColor , HTMLWhiteAzureColor , HTMLWhiteAliceBlueColor ,
  HTMLWhiteGhostWhiteColor , HTMLWhiteWhiteSmokeColor , HTMLWhiteSeashellColor , HTMLWhiteBeigeColor ,
  HTMLWhiteOldLaceColor , HTMLWhiteFloralWhiteColor , HTMLWhiteIvoryColor , HTMLWhiteAntiqueWhiteColor ,
  HTMLWhiteLinenColor , HTMLWhiteLavenderBlushColor , HTMLWhiteMistyRoseColor , HTMLGrayGainsboroColor ,
  HTMLGrayLightGrayColor , HTMLGraySilverColor , HTMLGrayDarkGrayColor , HTMLGrayGrayColor ,
  HTMLGrayDimGrayColor , HTMLGrayLightSlateGrayColor , HTMLGraySlateGrayColor , HTMLGrayDarkSlateGrayColor ,
  HTMLGrayBlackColor , NoneColor


void orientationChanged ()
void nameChanged ()
void terminalTypeChanged ()

Public Member Functions

 PartTerminal (QETElementEditor *editor, QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr)
 ~PartTerminal () override
int type () const override
QString xmlName () const override
void fromXml (const QDomElement &) override
const QDomElement toXml (QDomDocument &) const override
void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
QPainterPath shape () const override
QPainterPath shadowShape () const override
QRectF boundingRect () const override
bool isUseless () const override
QRectF sceneGeometricRect () const override
void startUserTransformation (const QRectF &) override
void handleUserTransformation (const QRectF &, const QRectF &) override
Qet::Orientation orientation () const
void setOrientation (Qet::Orientation ori)
qreal rotation () const
void setRotation (qreal angle)
QString terminalName () const
void setTerminalName (const QString &name)
QString name () const override
TerminalData::Type terminalType () const
void setTerminalType (TerminalData::Type type)
 PartTerminal::setTerminalType Set the type of terminal to 'type'.
void setNewUuid ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
 CustomElementGraphicPart (QETElementEditor *editor, QGraphicsItem *parent=nullptr)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::CustomElementGraphicPart Default constructor. By default, item is selectable, send geometry change (Qt > 4.6), accept mouse left button and accept hover event.
 ~CustomElementGraphicPart () override
 CustomElementGraphicPart::~CustomElementGraphicPart Destructor.
LineStyle lineStyle () const
void setLineStyle (const LineStyle ls)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::setLineStyle Set line style to ls.
LineWeight lineWeight () const
void setLineWeight (const LineWeight lw)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::setLineWeight Set line weight to lw.
qreal penWeight () const
Filling filling () const
void setFilling (const Filling f)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::setFilling Set filling to f.
Color color () const
void setColor (const Color c)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::setColor Set color to c.
bool antialiased () const
void setAntialiased (const bool b)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::setAntialiased Set antialias to b.
void setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value) override
QVariant property (const char *name) const override
virtual void addHandler ()
virtual void removeHandler ()
virtual void setHandlerColor (QPointF, const QColor &)
virtual void resetAllHandlerColor ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CustomElementPart
 CustomElementPart (QETElementEditor *editor)
 CustomElementPart Constructor.
virtual ~CustomElementPart ()
 ~CustomElementPart Destructor
virtual QETElementEditorelementEditor () const
virtual void updateCurrentPartEditor () const
virtual ElementSceneelementScene () const
virtual QUndoStack & undoStack () const
virtual QGraphicsItem * toItem ()
virtual QET::ScalingMethod preferredScalingMethod () const


Qet::Orientation orientation
QString terminal_name
TerminalData::Type terminal_type
- Properties inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
LineStyle line_style
LineWeight line_weight
Filling filling
Color color
bool antialias

Private Member Functions

 PartTerminal (const PartTerminal &)
void updateSecondPoint ()

Private Attributes

QPointF saved_position_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
static void drawCross (const QPointF &center, QPainter *painter)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::drawCross Draw a cross at pos center.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
void stylesToXml (QDomElement &) const
 CustomElementGraphicPart::stylesToXml Write the current style to xml element. The style are stored like this: name-of-style:value;name-of-style:value Each style separate by ; and name-style/value are separate by :
void stylesFromXml (const QDomElement &)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::stylesFromXml Read the style used by this, from a xml element.
void resetStyles ()
 CustomElementGraphicPart::resetStyles Reset the current style to default, same style of default constructor.
void applyStylesToQPainter (QPainter &) const
 CustomElementGraphicPart::applyStylesToQPainter Apply the current style to the QPainter.
void drawShadowShape (QPainter *painter)
 CustomElementGraphicPart::drawShadowShape Draw a transparent blue shadow arround the shape of this item. The QPainterPathStroker used to draw shadows have a width of SHADOWS_HEIGHT Be carefull if penWeight of this item is to 0 the outline of strock is bigger of 0.5.
void hoverEnterEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) override
 CustomElementGraphicPart::hoverEnterEvent Reimplemented from QGraphicsObject. Set m_hovered to true.
void hoverLeaveEvent (QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) override
 CustomElementGraphicPart::hoverLeaveEvent Reimplemented from QGraphicsObject. Set m_hovered to false.
void mousePressEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
void mouseMoveEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
void mouseReleaseEvent (QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CustomElementPart
QList< QPointF > mapPoints (const QRectF &, const QRectF &, const QList< QPointF > &)
- Protected Attributes inherited from CustomElementGraphicPart
bool m_hovered

Detailed Description

This class represents a terminal which may be used to compose the drawing of an electrical element within the element editor.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PartTerminal() [1/2]

PartTerminal::PartTerminal ( QETElementEditor editor,
QGraphicsItem *  parent = nullptr 


editor: L'editeur d'element concerne
parent: Le QGraphicsItem parent de cette borne
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~PartTerminal()

PartTerminal::~PartTerminal ( )


◆ PartTerminal() [2/2]

PartTerminal::PartTerminal ( const PartTerminal )

Member Function Documentation

◆ boundingRect()

QRectF PartTerminal::boundingRect ( ) const


the bounding rect of this item

◆ fromXml()

void PartTerminal::fromXml ( const QDomElement &  xml_elmt)

Importe les proprietes d'une borne depuis un element XML

xml_elmtElement XML a lire

Implements CustomElementPart.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ handleUserTransformation()

void PartTerminal::handleUserTransformation ( const QRectF &  initial_selection_rect,
const QRectF &  new_selection_rect 

Handle the user-induced transformation from initial_selection_rect to new_selection_rect

Implements CustomElementPart.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isUseless()

bool PartTerminal::isUseless ( ) const
true si cette partie n'est pas pertinente et ne merite pas d'etre conservee / enregistree. Une borne est toujours pertinente ; cette fonction renvoie donc toujours false

Implements CustomElementPart.

◆ name()

QString PartTerminal::name ( ) const
the name of the primitive

Implements CustomElementPart.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ nameChanged

void PartTerminal::nameChanged ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ orientation()

Qet::Orientation PartTerminal::orientation ( ) const

◆ orientationChanged

void PartTerminal::orientationChanged ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ paint()

void PartTerminal::paint ( QPainter *  painter,
const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *  options,
QWidget *  widget 

Dessine la borne

painterQPainter a utiliser pour rendre le dessin
optionsOptions pour affiner le rendu
widgetWidget sur lequel le rendu est effectue
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rotation()

qreal PartTerminal::rotation ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sceneGeometricRect()

QRectF PartTerminal::sceneGeometricRect ( ) const
the minimum, margin-less rectangle this part can fit into, in scene coordinates. It is different from boundingRect() because it is not supposed to imply any margin, and it is different from shape because it is a regular rectangle, not a complex shape.

Implements CustomElementPart.

◆ setNewUuid()

void PartTerminal::setNewUuid ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setOrientation()

void PartTerminal::setOrientation ( Qet::Orientation  ori)

Definit l'orientation de la borne

orila nouvelle orientation de la borne
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setRotation()

void PartTerminal::setRotation ( qreal  angle)

Redefines setRotation to call setOrientation

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setTerminalName()

void PartTerminal::setTerminalName ( const QString &  name)


Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setTerminalType()

void PartTerminal::setTerminalType ( TerminalData::Type  type)

PartTerminal::setTerminalType Set the type of terminal to 'type'.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shadowShape()

QPainterPath PartTerminal::shadowShape ( ) const

Implements CustomElementGraphicPart.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shape()

QPainterPath PartTerminal::shape ( ) const


the shape of this item
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ startUserTransformation()

void PartTerminal::startUserTransformation ( const QRectF &  initial_selection_rect)

Start the user-induced transformation, provided this primitive is contained within the initial_selection_rect bounding rectangle.

Implements CustomElementPart.

◆ terminalName()

QString PartTerminal::terminalName ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ terminalType()

TerminalData::Type PartTerminal::terminalType ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ terminalTypeChanged

void PartTerminal::terminalTypeChanged ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toXml()

const QDomElement PartTerminal::toXml ( QDomDocument &  xml_document) const

Exporte la borne en XML

xml_documentDocument XML a utiliser pour creer l'element XML
un element XML decrivant la borne

Implements CustomElementPart.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ type()

int PartTerminal::type ( ) const

Enable the use of qgraphicsitem_cast to safely cast a QGraphicsItem into a PartTerminal.

the QGraphicsItem type
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateSecondPoint()

void PartTerminal::updateSecondPoint ( )

Met a jour la position du second point en fonction de la position et de l'orientation de la borne.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ xmlName()

QString PartTerminal::xmlName ( ) const
the name that will be used as XML tag when exporting the primitive

Implements CustomElementPart.

Member Data Documentation

◆ d

TerminalData* PartTerminal::d

◆ saved_position_

QPointF PartTerminal::saved_position_

Property Documentation

◆ orientation

Qet::Orientation PartTerminal::orientation

◆ terminal_name

QString PartTerminal::terminal_name

◆ terminal_type

TerminalData::Type PartTerminal::terminal_type

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: