Table Of Contents
- Basics
- Interface
- Preferences
- Project
- Folio
- What is a folio?
- Type of folio
- Add new Folio
- Delete Folio
- Folio properties
- Title Block
- Element
- What is an element?
- Type of elements
- Element properties
- Element collection
- Element parts
- Element cross reference
- Element editor
- Conductor
- Schema
- What is a schema?
- Working with elements
- Working with conductors
- Working with text field
- Insert table
- Basic objects
- Working with pictures
- Select objects from workspace
- Copy object
- Cut object
- Paste object
- Multiple paste
- Delete object
- Rotate object
- Object layer level
- Search
- Replace
- Drawing
- Reports
- Export and print
- Annex
What is the title block?¶
The title block of a drawing is a table which usually is placed at the bottom from the drawing. The title block is the responsible to provide all necessary information to identify and verify the drawing validity.
Some information which can be found at a title block is:
Drawing / Schema title
Drawing / Schema number
Drawing / Schema size (Horizontal A3 sheet is the more common at electrical shemas)
Revision index
License (Ex.: ISO 16016 protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products)
Refer to IEC 61082-1 norm for more detailed information about the recomended content that should be included in the title block.
As table, the elemets from a title block are: